
Associate Professor Jinglin Fu receives Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

CCIB Faculty Member Dr. Jinglin Fu (Chemistry) was selected as a recipient of the Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers(ECASE-Army) by the Army Research Office (ARO). This award provides a five years’ funding, a total of $1 million, to support his research of “Develop Synthetic Compartments for Enhanced and Regulated Biochemical Reactions”. Congratulations!

Fall 2018 Research Highlights

CCIB Director Dr. Nir Yakoby (Biology) received the Busch Biomedical Grant for the project “Role of tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs) in patterning epithelial cells”. This is a collaboration with CCIB faculty Dr. Andrey Grigoriev‘s lab.  CCIB Graduate Program Director Dr. Grace Brannigan, former CCIB Postdoc Dr. Reza Salari, and CCIB PhD student Ruchi Lohia published a paper… continue reading

Associate Professor Nawaf Bou-Rabee awarded NSF Grant

CCIB Faculty Member Dr. Nawaf Bou-Rabee (Mathematics) is the principal investigator on a three-year, $143,976 grant from the National Science Foundation DMS for “Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Their Numerical Solution“. Congratulations!

Associate Professor Catherine Grgicak awarded NIJ grant

CCIB Faculty Member Dr. Catherine Grgicak (Associate Professor, Chemistry & Henry Rutgers Chair) received a $546, 727 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice for her forensic science research “Resolving the Forensic DNA Mixture Problem through the Development of End-to-End Single-Cell Pipelines” that could support law enforcement investigations. Congratulations!

Associate Professor Hao Zhu awarded NIH grant

CCIB Faculty Member Dr. Hao Zhu (Chemistry) received a $475, 905 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for his project “MECHANISTIC EVALUATION OF CHEMICALS THAT INDUCE ORAL ACUTE TOXICITY BY NOVEL READ-ACROSS APPROACHES USING PUBLIC BIG DATA“. Congratulatioins!