Assistant Professor David Salas de la Cruz awarded NSF Grant

Dr. David Salas from the Chemistry department is the principal investigator on a three-year, $344,609 grant from the National Science Foundation DMR for  “RUI: Collaborative Research: Understanding the protein-polysaccharide interactions of natural composite materials in one and two dimensions” The research is a  collaboration with his co-PI, Dr. Xiao Hu from Rowan University. Congratulations David! 

Congratulations 2018 CCIB Graduates!

Three CCIB PhD Students were hooded and awarded PhDs at the Spring Ceremony: Joseph Kawash (Grigoriev lab), Sruthi Murlidaran (Brannigan lab), and Catherine Guay (Nam lab).  Congratulations to the new Drs. Kawash, Murlidaran, and Guay, as well as their mentors!   Five CCIB MS Students received MS degrees at the Spring Ceremony:  Kristen Woods (Brannigan lab), Jim … Continue reading Congratulations 2018 CCIB Graduates!

CCIB Research Highlights for Fall 2017

Phd Students Wenyi Wang, Linlin Zhao, and Dan Russo, their PI Dr Hao Zhu (Chemistry), and coauthors published  “Predicting Nano-bio Interactions by Integrating Nanoparticle Libraries and Quantitative Nanostructure Activity Relationship Modeling” in ACS Nano. Wenyi was also a Tox21 Student Award winner for the 6th annual meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology. Congratulations Wenyi!  Grad Program Director Dr … Continue reading CCIB Research Highlights for Fall 2017

2018 REU Applications are now open

Visit to read the criteria, project areas, and to fill out the application form.