The CCIB gathered for our first retreat in our new home (the JHSC) for a fantastic day of scientific talks, posters, and discussion. Then we headed over to Philadelphia and boarded the Freedom Elite for a fun evening cruise on the Delaware River, past the facing skylines of Philadelphia and Camden.
Group Photo.
Poster session in the JHSC Lobby.
PhD student Zheming An (left) presents his poster to Assistant Professor Dr. Amy Savage (center) and Associate Professor Dr. Guillaume Lamoureux (right).
PhD Student Heather Ciallella presents her poster to MS student Ray Zhang.
Dr. Michelle Meloy, Associate Dean for the Graduate School and Research (left) speaking with a conference attendee.
Phd student Liam Sharp (center) presents his work to PhD student Eliza Yost (left) and MS student Shriya Subedy.