B.S./M.S. in Computational and Integrative Biology

The Center for Computational and Integrative Biology (CCIB) offers students the opportunity to obtain both a Bachelor’s (BS) and a Master’s (MS) degree in CIB within five years.

The B.S./M.S. program initiates at the Fall term of your Junior year by contacting the CIB Graduate Program Director. Admission into the program occurs in the Spring Term of your Junior year.

Admission Criteria

  1. At least 90 credits (planned graduation with a BS in CIB from Rutgers-Camden at the end of the next year)
  2. GPA of 3.5 in the CIB major and overall
  3. Three supportive letters of recommendations
  4. Personal letter indicating interests
  5. GRE’s will not be required before the Spring of your Senior year when you officially apply to the Graduate Program.

Timetable for the Dual Degree Program

For more information please visit: https://graduateschool.camden.rutgers.edu/dual-degree-program/

  • Fall/Junior Year: Students are identified, informed about the program, and referred to the Graduate Directors. Interested students may also meet with the Graduate Director to determine eligibility.
  • Spring/Junior Year: The Graduate Program Director sends the student a letter of acceptance into the dual degree program before the April pre-registration period. A copy of this letter is sent to Admissions, to the Records Division of the Registrar’s Office and to the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. During pre-registration advising, using a special permission number, the student is registered for one graduate course (500 or 600 level) in Fall of the senior year. This course is taken along with his/her regular undergraduate courses. Students must complete and submit the Dual Degree G-Prefix for approval. The undergraduate tuition rate is charged for the course, and the credits are double counted (i.e. they are part of the 120 credits required for the BA or BS and are also counted toward the MA or MS).
  • Fall/Senior Year: Following the registration procedure described above, the student is registered for one or two graduate courses (500 or 600 level) to be taken in the spring semester of the senior year.
  • Spring/Senior Year: The student formally applies to the Graduate School, following all normal procedures. The student is awarded the Baccalaureate degree. Having been formally admitted to the graduate school, the student may begin taking courses in either the summer or the fall after graduation. Upon entering graduate school, the student will already have completed two of the courses required for the Master’s degree. He/she will also have saved considerable graduate tuition funds.

Note: Students may not take more than three graduate courses while an undergraduate student. (Exception: the BA/MPA programs allow students to take four graduate courses while an undergraduate student.)  Students will not be classified as a graduate student and coded school 56 until the Baccalaureate degree has been awarded.

If you are interested in applying to the dual degree program and meet all the above requirements, please contact:

Dr. Eric Klein, CCIB Graduate Program Director