
Professor Hao Zhu awarded NIEHS R35 Grant

Dr. Hao Zhu was recently awarded the eight-year grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R35ES031709) for the project “Discovering Chemical Activity Networks-Predicting Bioactivity Based on Structure.” The Zhu lab was awarded $576,818, through a collaborative effort with PI Robyn Tanguay at Oregon State University. Congratulations to you all! 

Professor Guillaume Lamoureux awarded 2021 Busch Biomedical Grant

We are proud to announce that CCIB member Dr. Guillaume Lamoureux was recently awarded the 2021 Busch Biomedical Grant, for his project titled, “New machine learning approaches to overcome the “low-data” challenge of predicting protein-protein interactions in vivo.” Dr. Lamoureux is an Associate Professor in the Chemistry Department here at Rutgers University – Camden. Congratulations! … continue reading

Welcome to the 2021 Incoming Graduate Class!

We are excited to welcome CCIB’s largest incoming graduate class, comprised of 25 students from 9 different countries! This cohort contains sixteen PhD students and nine MS students. Additionally, seven of these students are continuing from their MS programs at Rutgers University – Camden. Best of luck on your first semester!

Professor Benedetto Piccoli awarded NSF Grant

CCIB Professor Dr. Benedetto Piccoli (Vice Chancellor for Research, Distinguished Professor & Joseph and Loretta Lopez Chair, Mathematics) was awarded a three year, $771,695 grant from the National Science Foundation CMMI for studying “Managing Epidemics by Managing Mobility“. It is a multi university effort with Prof. Samitha Samaranayake from Cornell University and Prof. Daniel Work… continue reading

Associate Professor David Salas-de la Cruz awarded NSF Grant

CCIB Associate Professor Dr. David Salas-de la Cruz (Chemistry, Graduate Program Director) was awarded a three year, $385,978 collaborative grant from the National Science Foundation. The funding was provided by the Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs: Biomaterials (BMAT), Condensed Matter Physics (CMP), Metals and Metallic Nanostructures (MMN), Polymers (POL). It is a… continue reading

CCIB 2020 Annual Retreat Best Poster Winners

The Center for Computational and Integrative Biology at Rutgers-Camden is pleased to announce the winners for the 2020 Annual Retreat Best Poster Contest. MS category: Jesse Sandberg (Brannigan Lab) Junior PhD category: Siddharth Bhadra-Lobo (Lamoureux Lab) Runner-up: Stacy Love (Salas Lab) and Zheming An (Piccoli Lab) Senior PhD category: Chris Sottolano (Yakoby Lab) Congratulations to… continue reading