
Congratulations to Dr. Grace Brannigan (CCIB-Physics) and Jinglin Fu (CCIB-Chemistry) for receiving the Cottrell College Science Awards.

As published by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement…    RCSA Directors Approve 48 Research Awards; 2 Rutgers-Camden CCIB Faculty members received awards: Dr. Grace Brannigan and Dr. Jinglin Fu.    The Board of Directors of Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) has approved a total of $2,445,000 in awards for 48 innovative research projects proposed… continue reading

Overwhelming response for CCIB’s REU Computational Biology Summer Program

Gain invaluable research experience with CCIB’s REU: Computational Biology Summer Program! Sponsored by a Grant from the National Science Foundation, the program will run from May 26th through July 31st, 2015. All 10 accepted applicants receive full room and board plus a $5,000 stipend for the 10 week program. Overview The Computational Biology Summer Program provides… continue reading

CCIB invites you to our Annual Retreat

Rutgers University–Camden Center for Computational and Integrative Biologywould like to extend and invitation to ourAnnual Retreat  Friday, November 7, 20149 a.m. – 4 p.m.Adventure Aquarium, Currents Ballroom (1 Riverside Drive, Camden, NJ). Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Brenner MD, Medical Director at Urban Health Institute at Cooper University Healthcare and Executive Director at Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers. RSVP to

CCIB-REU Student Research Poster Session

Friday, August 1st, 201410:30am – 1:00pmScience Building, Room 110 Refreshments will be provided! Learn more about the REU program. Click here to see the student participants’ presentations.