We are excited to announce that Dr. Siqi Fu was recently awarded a $226,529 grant from the National Science Foundation for his project titled, “RUI: Spectral Theory and Geometric Analysis in Several Complex Variables.” Congratulations, Dr. Fu!
Professor Piccoli awarded CPI Grant
It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Benedetto Piccoli has received a $166,435 grant from the Critical Path Institute, for the project titled, “QSP Model of Parkinson’s Disease.” Congratulations, Dr. Piccoli!
Professor Bou-Rabee awarded NSF Grant
We are happy to announce that Dr. Nawaf Bou-Rabee has been awarded a $82,890.00 grant from the National Science Foundation, for his project titled, “Collaborative Research: Numerical Methods for High-Dimensional Sticky Diffusions.” Congratulations, Dr. Bou-Rabee!
Professor Solesio awarded AHA Grant
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Maria De La Encarnacion Solesio Torregrosa was recently awarded a $231,000 grant from the American Heart Association for her project titled, “Protection of Inorganic Polyphosphate in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury, by Regulating Mitochondrial Bioenergetics.” Congratulations, Professor Solesio!
Professor Hao Zhu awarded NIEHS R35 Grant
Dr. Hao Zhu was recently awarded the eight-year grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R35ES031709) for the project “Discovering Chemical Activity Networks-Predicting Bioactivity Based on Structure.” The Zhu lab was awarded $576,818, through a collaborative effort with PI Robyn Tanguay at Oregon State University. Congratulations to you all!
Professor Guillaume Lamoureux awarded 2021 Busch Biomedical Grant
We are proud to announce that CCIB member Dr. Guillaume Lamoureux was recently awarded the 2021 Busch Biomedical Grant, for his project titled, “New machine learning approaches to overcome the “low-data” challenge of predicting protein-protein interactions in vivo.” Dr. Lamoureux is an Associate Professor in the Chemistry Department here at Rutgers University – Camden. Congratulations! … Continue reading Professor Guillaume Lamoureux awarded 2021 Busch Biomedical Grant…