Confocal Core

The Center for Computational and Integrative Biology (CCIB) Confocal Imaging Core Facility is located at the Joint Health Sciences Center in Camden, NJ.  The facility is organized to encourage the use of the equipment by individual users both within and outside the university. Individual and small-group instruction in the use of equipment and in confocal microscopy techniques is provided to faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows and residents for a set fee.

Available Equipment

Leica TCS SP8 FSU (Flexible Supply Unit) w/ Lightning Super Resolution
Leica TCS SP8 FSU (Flexible Supply Unit) w/ Lightning Super Resolution

Inverted Stand DMI 6000 with Adaptive Focus Control (AFC)

Objectives-10X/0.30, 63X/1.40 oil

Filter Cubes- DAPI, CFP, GFP, Rhodamine, DIC

Confocal Tandem Scanner – FOV scanner and 8kHz resonance scanner

Excitation Laser Lines: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm

Emission Tunable Spectral Detectors:

  • 2 PMT
  • 2 HyD
  • 1 HyD2-SMD

SuperZ galvo for xz scanning

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)

Premium CUDA workstation

Leica LAS-X imaging software package

Sample Format- slides, glass-bottom dish, microwell plate

Recent Upgrade to Leica’s LIGHTNING imaging software

LIGHTNING is a new method for fully automated intelligent information extraction from confocal data in near real time using extremely fast parallel GPU processing. Confocal images acquired with LIGHTNING appear as if a layer of noise has been removed from them compared to what has been the standard so far. The resulting images reveal a clear and unobstructed view of the relevant information.

Leica TCS SP8 CSU (Compact Supply Unit)
Leica TCS SP8 CSU (Compact Supply Unit)

Inverted Stand DMI 6000 with Adaptive Focus Control (AFC)

Objectives-10X/0.30, 20X/0.75, 40X/1.3 oil, 100X/1.44 oil

Filter Cubes- DAPI, GFP, Rhodamine, DIC

Confocal FOV Scanner

Excitation Laser Lines: 405, 488, 552, 638 nm

Emission Tunable Spectral Detectors:

  • 2 PMT
  • 2 HyD

SuperZ galvo for xz scanning

Leica LAS-X software package

Sample Format- slides, glass-bottom dish, microwell plate

Microscope usage is scheduled through iLab

Information on Rutgers Core Facilities