Dr. Benedetto Piccoli Receives Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence

Dr. Benedetto Piccoli, Professor of Mathematical Science and Joseph and Loretta Lopez Endowed Chair in Mathematics; Graduate Director of the Computational and Integrative Biology Program received the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence.  The photo above was taken at the Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation.

Matt Niepielko Recipient of 2013 Lansbury Prize for Academic Excellence

Matt Niepielko, a Ph.D. candidate in Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, has been selected as the 2013 recipient of the Lansbury Prize for Academic Excellence. This award recognizes outstanding performance by a graduate student. This prize is named in memory of Dr. Coral Lansbury, the first dean of the Graduate School of Rutgers-Camden. Matt … Continue reading Matt Niepielko Recipient of 2013 Lansbury Prize for Academic Excellence

The GABAa Receptor, a Neuronal Ion Channel

The GABAa receptor is a neuronal ion channel that plays a dominant role in sleep and relaxation processes, by inhibiting electrical signals in the central nervous system.  One subunit of the pentameric receptor is shown in green and purple, illustrating potential binding pockets for modulating molecules such as neurosteroids and thyroid hormone (orange); these molecules … Continue reading The GABAa Receptor, a Neuronal Ion Channel

E. Coli Cells Re-Engineered for Biofuel Production

Human chest x-ray showing tuberculosis lesions. Lun Group Webpage E. coli cells, which can be reengineered for biofuel production. Lun Group Webpage Engineered E. coli cultures on a schematic of their metabolic network. Lun Group Webpage