CCIB awards Nessel, Guan, and Ciallella with 2021 CCIB Best Student Paper Awards
The Center for Computational and Integrative Biology at Rutgers-Camden is pleased to announce two winners for the 2021 CCIB Best Student Paper Awards.
Tied for first place:
Mark Nessel (Gonzalez Lab). Human-driven nutrient enrichment causes decline in invertebrate populations: A global meta-analysis.
Lingyu Guan (Grigoriev Lab). Computational meta-analysis of ribosomal RNA fragments: potential targets and interaction mechanisms.
Third place:
Heather Ciallella (Zhu Lab). Revealing Adverse Outcome Pathways from Public High-Throughput Screening Data to Evaluate New Toxicants by a Knowledge-Based Deep Neural Network Approach
Thanks to the committee members who had to choose the winners among the excellent collection of competitive papers. These papers represent some of the excellent work done by our CCIB students.
Again, congratulations to all the winners!